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Dancescape by Joyce on Broadway 2024 -2025schedule
Classes begin August 5, 2024


Monday 5:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.  Beg. Pointe and Pre- Pointe - 9-12 year olds ……….......…Ms Melissa

Monday 5:00 p.m.  -6:00 p.m.  Beg. Jazz & Hip Hop - 6-10 year olds ………………..……Ms Taylor

Monday 6:00 p.m.  -7:00 p.m.  Beg. Ballet - 6-8 year olds …………………………………..Ms Taylor

Monday 6:00 p.m.  -7:00 p.m.  Int. Adv. Tap - 9 year olds and up ……………………….…Ms Melissa

Monday 7:00 p.m.  -8:15 p.m.  Adv. Pointe ……………………………………………… .   .Mr Rupert

Monday 7:00 p.m.  -8:00 p.m.  Beg. Musical Theater- 6-11 year olds ………………….…Ms Taylor

Monday 8:15 p.m.  -9:15 p.m.  Adv. Musical Theater - 12 year olds and up …………  ….Ms Taylor



*New Class  Tuesday 5:00p.m.-6:00p.m. Beg./Int. Hip Hop Boys & Girls 7-11 yrs old……...  Mr Mikael

Tuesday 5:15-6:15  Int. Lyrical 9-14 yr olds.......................................................... Ms. Joyce

Tuesday 6:00-7:15   Adv. Modern - 13 year olds and up ........................................Mr. Keith

Tuesday 6:15-7:15   3-4 Ballet,Tap and Tumbling.................................................Ms. Joyce

Tuesday 6:30-7:30  Martial Arts 6 Yrs & up .... Mr. Paul / upstairs

Tuesday 7:15-8:30  Adv. Lyrical - 13 yr olds and up ............................................ Mr. Kieng

Tuesday 7:15-8:30  Int. Pointe & Ballet  12-15 yr olds............................................ Mr. Keith



*New Class  Wednesday 10:00a.m.-11:00a.m. 3-4 yr Combo ……………………………………..……Ms Joyce

Wednesday 5:00-6:00    Beg./ int, Modern  6-10 yr olds ............................... Ms.Jasmyn  

Wednesday 5:15-6:30    5-7  Ballet,Tap and Tumbling .................................Ms. Shelley

Wednesday 6:00-7:00    Beg/Int Acro for Dancers ...................................... Ms Taylor

Wednesday 6:30-7:30    3-4 Ballet,Tap and Tumbling ...............................Ms. Shelley

Wednesday 7:00 p.m.  -8:00 p.m.   *DBJ Large Group Rehearsal……(Not included in unlimited) . Ms Taylor 

Wednesday 7:30 p.m.  -8:30 p.m.   Ballet /Pointe Technique ……………….Ms Shelley

Wednesday 8:00-9:00  Hip Hop 10yr olds and up ........................... Ms Taylor



Thursday 5:00 -6:00  Int. Pointe & Ballet 12-15 yr, olds.......................Ms. Joyce 

Thursday 5:00-6:00   Beg. Ballet & Pre-Pointe 9-12 yr olds.................Mr. Keith

Thursday 6:00-7:00   Int./ Adv. Jazz  11-14 yr olds............................. Mr. Keith

Thursday 6:00-7:15   5-7  Ballet,Tap and Tumbling .............................Ms. Joyce

Thursday 6:30-7:30  Martial Arts 6 Yrs & up .... Mr. Paul / upstairs

Thursday 7:00-8:00   Int. Jazz 8-12 yr. olds ...................................... Mr. Keith

Thursday 7:15-8:30   Adv. Ballet/ Pointe ........................................... Ms. Joyce

Thursday 8:30-9:30   Advanced Jazz ................................................ Mr. Keith    



Friday 6:00-7:30p.m.   – Pas de deaux (Int/Adv dancers) …. (Not included in unlimited) ………….Mr Keith



Saturday 10:00 a.m.--11:00 a.m.  3-4yr combo …………………………………..…… Ms Joyce and Ms Brianna

Saturday 10:30a.m.-11:45 a.m.  12yr olds and up Contemporary Dance….......……Ms. Taylor

Saturday 11:00 a.m.--12:15p.m.  5-7yr combo ………………………………………... Ms Joyce and Ms Brianna

Saturday 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  Acro for Dancers ……................................……..…Ms. Taylor

Saturday 12:15-1:00p.m.  Beg/ Int Tap  6 and up ………………………………………..Ms Brianna

Saturday 1:00p.m. -1:45p.m.– JR Level Competition Group ………(Not included in unlimited) …..…Ms Taylor

*New Class  Saturday 1:00-2:00p.m.- Beg Ballet ages 7-10 years old ………………………………...Ms Joyce

Saturday 1:45-2:30p.m. – Adv Lyrical Group … ……(Not included in unlimited) ………………………Mr Kieng


                                 Private technique lessons for all ages if you prefer a one on one experience.


                                                    $35 per half hour





1st postion  IMG_4924_clipped_rev_1.png
Shelley w Miranda pointe  1A6A3346_edite
Melissa w tapper  1A6A4251_edited.jpg
Brianna w Elsa tap 1A6A4929_edited.jpg
Gabby stag leap comp
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